As a musician and composer/arranger, I’ve set several goals for myself. One of those goals is to have music available on major streaming platforms. Very proud to say that I have accomplished that and it’s all thanks to aThe Heavy Hitters, a dynamic funk band based in Huntington, WV. They recently released their latest album entitled Tell Em’ Like It Is. On that album is one of my original songs entitled “Lie to Me”.
About the Heavy Hitters
Like I mentioned earlier, The Heavy Hitters are based in Huntington, WV and known for bringing the funk to any venue they’re at. It’s has been notably made up of students from the local college, Marshall University (my alma mater). Majority of them being in the School of Music and Theater.
To my knowledge, they have been around since my later stages in undergraduate school. Prior to being asked to join the band, I had listened to them on several occasions and really enjoyed what they had to offer. Plus, I was friends with just about every single one of them.
After I graduated from Marshall with my BFA in Jazz Studies, I stayed to get my Masters in Music Theory and Composition. After my first semester, I was asked to fill in for one of the groups saxophone players for one of the groups gigs. Little did I know this was going to be on a long-term basis. But I was all for it!
I played several local gigs with the group and even made an appearance on the radio with them. With many of us being model students in various school ensembles, there was no doubt that we would gel well musically.
Stylistically, the band is heavily rooted jazz, funk, and r&b. Definitely right up my alley! We played everything from tunes in The Real Book to old-school rock, funk, and soul. And everything else in between.
Sadly, my time with them didn’t last forever. I graduated with my Masters in 2017 and had to move back to my home in Martinsburg, WV. Ever since, the group had gone through a bit of a personnel change, but still kept some key members. And to this day, we’re still in contact with each other.
Now back to the song…
During my student career at Marshall, I’ve had a growing desire to write music. This has been something that started in high school and grew substantially in college. I’ve written several things for many different ensemble combinations from choir to jazz combo and big band to quartets. I even dabbled in r&b and pop writing too. Which is how “Lie to Me” eventually came to be.
The song was originally written during my second year of graduate school in 2016. One day, before one of the band’s rehearsals began, I was sitting at the piano just playing random songs that I happen to know. I then started playing a chord progression that had been in my head for quite some time. It was a simple progression that had a total of four chords, played over and over again. It caught on with the band fast. So fast, that the group’s lead singer agreed to write the lyrics. Which was amazing for me, because I’m terrible at writing lyrics. Lol!
I continued to play the progression and our lead singer started brainstorming some lyrics. He asked me what the name of the song was. At the time, the song didn’t have a title, so I just kinda shrugged my shoulders. He continued improvising lyrics, until he got to the line “just lie to me,” which became the staple of the chorus to the song and the official title of the song.
Now on major streaming services!
Fast forward from Fall 2016 to Spring 2021. I’m out of school and the Heavy Hitters, working as a musician, composer/arranger, and educator. If you would’ve told me that I would have a song featured on an album and released onto major streaming services, like Spotify, I probably wouldn’t have believed you!
“Lie to Me” can be heard on the Heavy Hitters album Tell Em’ Like It Is. And get this. In addition to co-writing the song, I’m performing on it too! I’m the saxophonist in the background. I play a series of smooth melodic lines and lay down what I think is one of the best solos I’ve ever played. And I definitely don’t say that very often (I’m my absolute worst critic). But I’ll let you guys be the judge!
Check out “Lie to Me” RIGHT HERE!!!
(Also available on the Heavy Hitter’s album Tell Em’ Like It Is on Spotify)
CLICK HERE to see more great music written by me!!
Like my originals? I think you’ll like my saxophone covers just as much. CHECK THEM OUT!!