A belated Happy Easter to all of you! As many of us know, this is one of the most (if not THE most) important holidays out of the whole entire year. And it’s not because of the Easter Bunny. It’s because of the Holy One that paid the ultimate sacrifice for us. Dying on The Cross and arising from The Dead three days later. The season of Lent reminds us of that sacrifice by forcing us to sacrifice something important to us for 40 days. Mine was chocolate and let me tell you; it wasn’t easy. It’s never easy.
Now there’s a reason why I brought up The Ultimate Sacrifice. Sometimes, we need to realize that making a sacrifice doesn’t always have to be associated with something negative. We all get attached to things that mean so much to us. But have you ever stopped to realize that sacrificing can be for your benefit (whether it be short-term or long-term)?
Sacrificing for YOUR benefit.
There are many ways you can sacrifice for your benefit. A really good example is giving up cigarettes. Though they’re bad for your health to begin with, the nicotine in cigarettes is addictive; to the point where they become near and dear to the people that smoke them. It won’t be an easy process, but making the sacrifice by giving them up would benefit anybody in the long run. You’ll breathe better, have less stains on your teeth and skin, and that smokey smell will no longer be in your clothes and hair.
Another good example is donating. People donate many things from clothes to hair. It can be easy to get attached to those types of things. But are they something that we all need. “But J, I love my hair.” “I need these clothes. What would I wear if I didn’t have them?” Totally get that! No one is telling you to shave your head. Just cut off about half (if not more). It’ll grow back. No one is telling you to give up ALL of your clothes. Just the ones you haven’t worn in five years. Plus, think about those that NEED those things. And think of it this way: Less hair to manage and more space in your closet. And you’ll get that warm feeling inside of knowing that you’ll be helping people in need. Benefits all around!
Sacrifice for financial freedom!
So I listed a couple sacrifices that can be common to so many of us in the world. There’s one main one that just about ANYBODY can identify with: sacrificing money.
We all have bills. A lot of us have kids. We all have to eat and survive, right? All of those things cost money. Now what if I told you that your sacrifice money can get you even more money? Would you be willing to make the sacrifice?
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Another Incredible Opportunity involves the vast world of weight loss, mental health, and biohacking. This literally began less than a year ago, but I kid you no when I say it’s quickly becoming a Global Phenomenon.
How bad do you want it? What are you willing to do?
But it all comes down to these questions about financial freedom: How bad do you want it? What are you willing to do to get it? Ask yourself those questions…and then act on them. Make it your definite future! And remember: sacrifice is not always a bad thing!