Biohacking in a “Snap!”

man's head with blue techno background; biohacking

It’s no secret that many people nowadays have taken an obsession with wanting to look and feel their best. And why not? Deep down, a lot of us desire to be as physically and emotionally healthy as we can possibly be. Some take the good ol’ fashioned route of following strict and proper diet and exercise plans. Some may use the aid of botox and plastic surgery to enhance their looks and even make themselves look younger. And then some take matters into their own hands and “Hacks” Into Their Biology. Something that has been around for a while and has been on the rise as of lately. Now what’s a term for this Hacking of One’s Biology? To put it simply, but not so simply, it’s biohacking.

What exactly is biohacking??

Biohacking your body means changing your chemistry and your physiology through science and self-experimentation to increase energy and vitality. Biohacking can be described as citizen or do-it-yourself biology. For many “biohackers,” this consists of making small, incremental diet or lifestyle changes to make small improvements in your health and well-being. Biohacking comes in many forms. The three most popular types are nutrigenomics, DIY biology, and grinder.

  • Nutrigenomics – Nutrigenomics focuses on how the food you eat interacts with your genes.
  • DIY (Do It Yourself) – Literally hacking into your biology yourself. All through scientific knowledge and experimentation. Science professionals conduct these experiments on themselves with the help of biohackers that have done their extensive research on the body. And then those professionals can pass on their knowledge and results they’ve gained through those experiments.
  • Grinder – This is a biohacking technique in which a person seeks to become somewhat of a cyborg. Wanting to enhance any or every part of their body through injections, implants, or anythin they put into their bodies to reach the end result they’re after.

This sounds a little complicated. Is it safe??


So I’ll admit, biohacking may sound a tab bit complex to some people. Even I had to do some research on the term when I learned about it. But now, I have a pretty good grasp on the concept.

Now on to the question; is it safe?? This really depends on the actual type of biohacking. Some forms of biohacking, such as making dietary changes and taking supplements, are absolutely safe. Even some minor body modifications can be considered safe by medical professionals. Others such as experimentation on humans can be seen as unsafe and is much better left to scientists and other professionals that know what they’re doing.

Biohacking at your fingertips!

Technically, based off what I said earlier, anybody can have Biohacking At Their Fingertips. With some possible guidance, anyone can make changes to their diet. Anyone can exercise or do yoga. Anyone can engage in meditation. And anyone can take supplements to improve their overall health and well-being. And you can do so In A Snap! Here’s how:

  • Remove Brain Fog – We all have moments when we get tired and our minds get a little hazy and can’t function. Now you can get rid of that “haziness,” strengthen your mind, and get the energy boost you need!
  • Sleep Quicker – Sleep is something essential to the body. It can be ruined by a number of things like anxiety and stress. Have your opportunity to Improve Your Sleep and even lose weight in the process
  • Quick Weight Loss The Healthy Way – Your coffee might need a little something extra. That something extra to curb your appetite, reduce those cravings, and jump start you on your weight loss journey!
  • Become A Younger You – You can become a Younger Version of Yourself! All in a “snap!” Say goodbye to wrinkles and hello to youthful glows and energy!

Biohacking At Your Fingertips! It’s not all bad and it’s not all unsafe! And you’ll be surprised at how much your body may need it!