Peep This Fancy Wine Opener!

Opening that Favorite Bottle of Wine can be a struggle for many. Removing that cork can be compared sometimes to removing the sword from the stone. It’s seemingly impossible! NOTHING should be in the way of you and your wine. Especially not after a long day or week on the job. These set of Fancy Wine Openers will definitely get the job done and send you on your way to paradise with that Perfect Glass of Fine Wine!

The one thing between you and your wine: THE CORK!!

Electric wine bottle opener and bottle of wine; fancy wine opener

So it may not seem like it, but the cork on any wine bottle serves a very important purpose. The average person just thinks it’s there to just be there or to prevent just ANYBODY from getting into the bottle (especially A Fine Wine). For one thing, it prevents any wine from being leaked out of the bottle; if you so happen to knock it over, of course. But above keeping the wine inside the bottle, it keeps the wine in pristine condition. It prevents any external agents from entering the bottle, including oxygen (which has been said to damage the wine). This is how wine is preserved and cast last for many many years. Heard of the phrase ‘aging like a Fine Wine?’ It aaalllll makes sense now, right?

Open your bottles now with ease

All in all, the cork serves a rather essential purpose. And it’s a great thing it does what it does. What if one wants to save that Special Bottle of Fine Wine for a special occasion? The wine would remain untouched, unharmed, and STILL deliver in refined flavor. That is, AFTER you’ve gotten past the cork.

Getting past the cork has now been made easier! And I’m not just talking your old fashioned cork opener. THESE are electronic and get the job done within seconds, and with less effort. In other words, you’ll get to enjoy Your Wine much quicker.

Sounds pretty handy to me. But what do you think??

From the same creator of These Amazing Wine Bottle Openers (Rory Ricord) is also the creator of This Fantastic Wine Club!

Read a little more about The Wine Club!!!