It’s A New Year! What Are You Gonna Do?

Good day everybody! Happy New Year! We have officially made it through 2020. That alone is something to scream and shout about. Needless to day, 2020 was a rough year for many. Global pandemic, hatred, and other things that just bring an overall negative. While I believe these things should definitely not be brushed under a rug, I want this to be a safe haven for positivity. And I wanna take time to talk about this brand new year and New Year’s resolutions.

Resolution 1: Becoming a healthier you!

What is one common New Year’s resolution that a lot of people commit themselves to? Health; more specifically, weight loss. I’m somebody who dedicates himself to working out at least 4-5 days. I typically go for a walk/run for about 20-30 minutes and do a strength-training workout for at least the same amount of time. With there being a global pandemic, I’m not really comfortable with going to a public gym (and I do recommend you avoid them as well), so I just work out at home. I do simple workouts such as push ups and squats. What I normally do is alternate between upper body and lower body workouts every day.

I get it. Working out isn’t exactly the most fun thing in the world. So why not make it fun. Go to You Tube and find a fun Zumba workout to burn some calories. If you’re looking to build some muscle, a cool idea would be to take a deck of cards and assign each number (or suit) a specific workout. For example, aces could be push ups, twos could be squats, threes could be burpees (I HATE doing those haha). This is a type of workout I do when I can’t make it to the gym. Stay tuned for one of my ‘deck of cards’ workouts.

Along with exercise, a necessary part of living a healthy lifestyle is the diet. I’m not gonna lie to you and say that I eat healthy 100 percent of the time. I eat a lot of healthy things such as enough protein, fruits, and vegetables. But I also snack on cookies and chips every now and then. You can have those guilty pleasures in moderation. And to help with those health-related resolutions (especially weight loss), try this Amazing Coffee and watch the fat melt away from your bodies. Not a coffee fan? This Special Hot Cocoa will give you the same results and also deliver in taste. Put yourself on the right path of achieving great health in 2021!



Resolution 2: Financial security

new year

Financial freedom is something that everybody wants. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to worry about paying bills? Not having to worry about having money for things such as groceries and gas? Or even having enough money to pamper yourself with a mini-shopping spree or vacation? I’ll tell you that it’s possible. And here’s a solution I have.

On the side of being an educator full time, I also work everyday on this blog. I know what some of you are thinking: “Blogging? Been there, done that. Doesn’t work!” Honestly, anybody can blog. But this goes a little bit further than just blogging. We’re talking about the opportunity to tap into multiple streams of income. Who wouldn’t want that? Go and see how YOU can get into the art of Performance Blogging. Get one step closer to financial freedom. And help others achieve the same thing too!

Ready to take on 2021?

The new year is among us. Are you ready for it? Ready to achieve your goals and improve your way of life? I think we all are. And if we put our minds to it, we can definitely achieve it. 2020 is behind us and all we should do is look to the future. Let’s find ways to make this year ours!