You guys have gotten to know me pretty well on here. I’ve shared my interests and various things I find on the internet. I’ve shared my passion for music. The passion to spread the joy of music through teaching, writing, and performing. You know my goals and aspirations that I desire to achieve one day. What you guys don’t really quite know about me yet is how I got started doing this blog. Why I’m sharing so many cool and awesome new things that hit the ‘net. Yeah, this stuff is amazing and I love sharing it, but here’s another big reason why I’m doing it. I Am A Marketer. Stick around to learn how and why I got started!
The “pre-pandemic” Me
Before the pandemic, I was making my initial breakthrough as an educator. I left my previous job working at Macy’s logistics and accepted my first long-term position as a music teacher for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. As a performer, I was a guest performer for several churches in the Virginia and West Virginia areas, as well as a saxophonist for The Jordan English Jazz Orchestra, a jazz ensemble comprised of music professionals in Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia. As a composer/arranger, I had written pieces of music that would eventually become a part of my Debut Instrumental Album. I also got engaged to my wife and we made plans for our wedding in October of 2020. Things were all going as planned…so I thought…
The “post-pandemic” Me: How I got started as a marketer
A glimpse of working from home
Things seemed to be going my way. Then…the pandemic hit in about March of 2022. COVID-19 was on the rise and spreading quickly. So quickly and dangerously that the world was put on lockdown. We pretty much couldn’t go anywhere, other than the grocery store and restaurants. That also means so many people, unfortunately, lost their jobs.
Fortunately for me, I’m an educator and was considered an essential worker. I was one of those people fortunate enough to still have their job. My job just didn’t stop at the school. I basically had to move job home. I had to teach from my home. And the students had to Learn Virtually.
This posed as a bit of a challenge for so many teachers. Not just the ones at my school. Since the lockdown hit so quickly, we had very little preparation. But using some quick thinking, we utilized tools of communication such as Class Dojo, Schoology, and even used Zoom to teach classes.
Since I taught music, my job was a tad bit easier. I basically posted fun music activities for the students to do and checked my emails and Schoology for questions.
This basically lasted until the end of the school year in June. But around April, I started thinking more about the future of the world with this pandemic. I needed think more about the future for me and my wife (fiancee at the time).
Getting my start as a marketer
My wife was also one that lost her job during the pandemic. I was the sole income provider for us. I knew it was time for me to Change Our Lives For The Better.
So I began researching ways to make an income from home and came across This Amazing Opportunity to Do What I’m Doing Right Now. I get to literally write about new great things that I find online. From products to trends to music, whatever new thing comes my way, I’m one here writing about it. Then, I share and post them to other places (social media, ad sites, etc.). At that point, I was Officially A Marketer!
The Me of today
Fast forward to the present: I’m still very much involved in music education AND I’m STILL a Marketer! I love to spread the joy of music, Share With You My Music, and Share With You All The Latest And Coolest Things I come across on the internet.
Not only do I want to show you these things, I want you to Join Me! This incredible opportunity to market is not only sharpening my skills as a writer and an even better understanding of the internet, but it’s allowing me to Reach Toward My Financial Goals.
So now you know me as a marketer. And I’m having a blast doing it! Will You Join Me???